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28-30, Kiseleff Road, Sector 1, București, România
“Dimitrie Gusti” National Village Museum, Romania

About the project

"ROM (a) NOR Interferences" is a cultural project implemented by the "Dimitrie Gusti" National Village Museum in collaboration with Anno Museum from Norway. The project has a duration of 24 months and will run from January 1st, 2022 to December 31, 2023. It is a journey through time and space to promote, enhance and revitalize the Romani cultural heritage. The project is addressed to the Roma minority as a whole and to the visiting public in Romania and Norway, with the aim of improving the situation of the Roma population.  

Throughout the project, the Village Museum will benefit from the expertise of colleagues from Glomdal at the Anno Museum in Norway, who will actively participate in research campaigns and discussion sessions on the revitalization and promotion of traditional Roma crafts.


The project consists of several activities aimed at promoting the Romani culture, but also at creating a bridge between the general public and this historical minority.

Training courses

Organization of training courses for the Roma community, in order to introduce and develop a new vision on the art of craftsmanship as a future activity for young people.


Organizing mirror exhibitions, "Romani people from Romania in Norway" and "Romani people from Norway in Romania", aiming at promoting the Roma heritage and identity in the two partner countries.


Organizing 4 fairs, selling handmade products and performing demonstrations dedicated to the Romani cultural heritage, thus providing to Romani craftsmen with opportunities for entrepreneurial development.

Reconstruction of the Romani household in the Village Museum 

An original Romani household will be restored and revitalized in the "Dimitrie Gusti" National Village Museum.


Among the ethnic minorities in Romania, the Romani community plays a special role. Sociological studies estimate the actual number of Romani people in Romania at between 1.5 and 2.5 million. Although their percentage in relation to the total population is high, and the authorities have adopted a series of official measures to integrate the Roma minority, there is still strong discrimination against them in the Romanian society, not only from an ethnic but also from a social point of view. This is due to a lack of knowledge of the history, traditional way of life and cultural specificity of the Romani people.

What we aim to achieve through the Cultural Project "ROM (a) NOR Interferences" is based on the principle of respect for diversity and demystification of stereotypes. In this sense, we have proposed a series of objectives and activities designed to help achieve the goals of inclusion of the Roma minority.

Virtual Tour

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Muzeul Național al Satului „Dimitrie Gusti”

Partners and sponsors

"ROM (a) NOR Interferences" is a cultural project implemented by the "Dimitrie Gusti" National Village Museum in collaboration with Anno Museum from Norway.

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