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28-30, Kiseleff Road, Sector 1, București, România
“Dimitrie Gusti” National Village Museum, Romania
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The traditional port of the Roma from Teleorman


In Teleorman county, the traditional Roma costume does not differ from that of the other counties in the south of the country. The materials are purchased, usually using cotton, chiffon, very rarely cotton (especially for old, inherited pieces). Their surface is vividly decorated with floral motifs, the predominant colors being red and yellow. The clothes are cut and sewn by specialized seamstresses. The wealthy buy more expensive and precious materials from abroad or order them from large shopping centers (eg: Complexul Dragonul Roșu, Bucharest).

 During the field research, in the commune of Buzescu, famous at the national level due to its overwhelming architecture in size and appearance, we still identified, along with other elements that reflect the main occupations (among which we mention horse riding), pieces of women's costume and ornaments kept in great honor and worn during calendar moments (St. Mary) or family life (weddings, baptisms). In everyday life, women no longer wear overlapping skirts and aprons, but limit themselves to a single skirt.

The change occurred especially among the younger generation. Along with the specific port, the ornaments are also preserved, especially the gold ones, found both in the braided tails, in the form of gold coins or around the neck, in the form of a salva. The latter is the story of generations, passing from mother to daughter, not lacking in the girl's dowry.

Recently, there have been large ornaments, earrings, chains, bracelets and rings, worn in several copies, also as an argument of economic status.


Flutura Sande, Buzescu commune, presenting the port pieces specific to the boilermakers.

 In the picture, she receives it as part of her dowry from her mother.

Skirts and skirts received as dowries, kept with great care in the guest rooms. Along with these, there are also pieces of traditional Romanian clothing, especially ii and shirts (com. Buzescu).


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